NEW4YOU Refund & Cancellation!

> Refund for an order takes place 5-6 working days after verify order details and accepting refund request.
> Refund request can be raise by app or website, it depends on customer which method they feel confortable.
> Refund request can also be raise by sending email of invoice to [email protected], after verify order we proceed for refund methods. > No Refund for Fruits & vegetables, we replace the item on refund request instead of refund.
> Grocery items can be refunded after verify quality, order details, checking mfd date and way where it is dilevered.
> Refund cannot be processed in cash, it is only processed UPI/DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT/WALLET methods/24kharido Funds only.
Note: Refund policy varies from item to item, so if you are raising a refund request it maybe rejected or non refundable in some case, which can be defines in mails

Order Cancellation

> An order be cancelled before "OUT OF DELIVERY" status, after Out for Delivery order cannot be cancelled.
> You have to request for cancel your order from app or website, distributor verify your request. they may be accept of reject it.
> Cancellation depends on disributor decission.

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